The Sarawee Subdivision Project Information

We have opportunities for individuals interested in living and owning property in Belize, wanting to build affordable Housing suitable for family-size houses with 2-3 bedrooms; or Investment in tourism-related Air B&B Cabanas.

The 20 Acres Subdivision comprising a total of 65 Lots (with 2 open spaces) is located 4-1/2 miles out of Dangriga Town as an extension of Sarawee Village, making this Subdivision Infrastructure in high demand for Investor Financing we are seeking.

Two other proposed projects are Solar Energy combined with Grid Electricity (BEL). Only about 75% of the 20-acre subdivision has access to Grid Electricity, making this Block of Land with 65 Titled Lots prime for middle-income housing developments; or tourism-related Cabanas.

Eco-Community Vision
Aerial view of the 20 Acres Sarawee Subdivision.

Click below to see a Google Earth Viewing of the entire country.

Survey view of the 20 Acres Sarawee Subdivision.

Click below to see a magnified Viewing of the drawing

1. We will seek an Investor(s) interested in a General Partnership via Limited Units.

2. The purpose of the Seed Capital Investment is to implement 1 of 3 micro projects; or be involved with all 3 projects simultaneously.

3. Given that the 20-acre subdivision comprising 65 Lots ( 2 are open spaces approx. acre and a half) is located 4 1/2 miles out of Dangriga Town as an extension of Sarawee Village. The Subdivision Infrastructure creates a high demand for investors (s) who are seeking a natural organic environment.

4. The micro Projects will involve:

● Middle Income Housing Development; family-size houses with 2-3 bedrooms; or tourism-related Air B&B Cabanas.

● The other 2 proposed projects can be Solar Energy combined with Grid Electricity (BEL) At present only about 75% of the 20 Acres Subdivision has access to Grid Electricity (BEL); which makes this Block of Land with 65 Titled Lots prime for Investor(s) project capital investments.

● Keep in mind approximately 38 lots of subdivisions have already been sold. So far most of the Lot owners have not done any housing or use of the lots; meaning the land is unoccupied except for 11 families that have built houses and developed micro farm gardens on their Titled Lots.

● This brings us to the 3rd MicroProject on the 20-acre Subdivision; which can involve Natural Organic Micro Farm Gardens spread across the subdivision.

● With the contents mentioned above, the Infrastructure of the 20 Acres Subdivision will go up much higher in Real Estate Value; bringing more demand to the Sarawee Village and the 20 Acres Subdivision. Extension.

● So as we can see how important it will be to put a General Partnership Package deal together that can be a lucrative successful model in Sarawee Village; that can impact the demand for scarce housing in the Dangriga Town vicinity. The Sarawee Village Location with the subdivision extension is Prime Land for Real Estate development and the possibility of a micro-industry i.e. Fruit Juicing, Organic Fruit, and Vegetable ( Light Micro Manufacturing ). At the same time creating Employment and Entrepreneurship for the village community and surrounding communities. We will explore our private foreign and domestic connections to a final Draft Memorandum, leading to a complete Business Plan.

Here is a detailed M.O.U. listing of the various project expectations